PreSonus Studio One 6

Studio One 6是我目前正在使用的主力DAW, 相对于5代, 主要功能就是添加了视频轨道, 歌词轨道, 和一些效果器更新. 这些自不必说, 但2023年3月24日, 也就是今天, StudioOne6进行了版本内升级6.1. 具体升级如下:

Studio One 6 – Version History and Release Notes
This document lists all Studio One 6 maintenance updates and their included fixes and improvements.
Version 6.1 Release Notes (March 22, 2023):

New features and improvements:
● Live notifications for Sphere collaborators
● Custom colors for tracks and channels
● Timecode display inside video player
● [Show Page] Lyrics display in Performance View
● [Project Page] Album mode for loudness normalization
● [Project Page] Project templates
● [Smart Templates] Video file support for Drop Zone
● [Pro EQ³] high/lowpass Solo mode for shelf filters
● [Vocoder] Improved Noise algorithm and control
● Change Macro Toolbar pages via command
● Extended options for Loop Marker Display
● FaderPort 8 + 16 support for new pan modes
● Import lyrics with notes from MIDI file
● MIDI file import improvements
● Moving Lyric Events follow “Ripple Edit”
● Scratch Pad lyrics now independent from Arrangement lyrics
● Show full lyrics on hover
● Single-step Undo for Macros
● Support for 32-bit FLAC files
● Sync point for Audio Events and Instrument Parts

● Updated Studio One Remote app (1.7)
○ Support for new pan modes
○ Lyrics display
○ New look and feel

New commands:
● Event – Set Sync Point to Cursor
● Event – Set Sync Point to Mouse Cursor
● Event – Toggle Sync Point
● Event – Set Color of Selected Events
● Track – Set Color of Selected Tracks
● Track – Set Color of Selected Channels
● View – Next Macro Page
● View – Previous Macro Page
● View – Select Macro Page
● Transport – Toggle Loop Display
● Help – Usage Data Settings

The following issues have been fixed:
● [Browser] Shortcuts do not work because of active search
● [Impact XT] Labels missing on drop-down menus
● [macOS] Certain audio interface settings (float/integer) are not transferred from the OS
● [MixFX] Porta Cassette crashes when bus is set to Mono
● [Start Page] When deleted, shared songs are not removed from the list
● [Console] “Assign in Ascending Order” for outputs may select unwanted channel types
● [Console] In maximized main window, send slots disappear when dragging Console divider upwards
● [Console] Send divider will appear in unwanted positions when adding channels while the Console is hidden
● [Console] “Add Insert to Selected Channel” doesn’t work for all channel types
● [Note Editor] Vertical zoom doesn’t work when applied by key commands
● [Pro EQ³] Sidechain spectrum not shown when re-opening a song
● [Project Page] “Transform to Rendered Audio” is available despite absence of plug-ins
● [Score Editor] Song notes created in Studio One 5 are not displayed when the song end marker has been moved
● [Smart Templates] Added error handling for unsupported video formats
● [Smart Templates] “Play Now – Piano” doesn’t load instrument samples in Studio One Artist
● [Smart Templates] “New…” dialog drop zone layout changes between templates
● [Smart Templates] “New…” dialog expand state is not stored correctly
● [Video] Potential glitches in exported video when export range is original video length
● “Mixdown selection” bounces entire Event
● Graphical glitch when importing certain picture formats to artist profile
● C-2 note is not displayed in every editor in certain cases
● [Compressor] Knee value field missing
● Video playback is not latency compensated
● When using a touch display, context menu won’t open on long-press
● Crash when disabling Instrument Track with plug-in that has sidechain input enabled
● Crash when using Japanese (Kana) for key commands
● Customization panel has wrong order of elements
● Duplicating ranges of automation on folders ignores preferences and duplicates events
● Inspector show/hide button of Pattern Editor not visible on small screens
● “New…” window won’t show up instantly when called under certain conditions
● Moving a track by drag and drop may take more than 30 seconds in certain cases
● Performance Monitor checkbox doesn’t move while scrolling horizontally
● Sound Variations don’t follow note sizing
● Vocoder / Ampire knobs get stuck on first mouse move
● VST3 plug-in user interface state not properly recalled in certain cases

具体更新和修复内容, 需要在工作中反复尝试才能发现, 不过很高兴StudioOne6还在不断更新(因为就在前天我还尝试看看有没有任何版本更新)

Studio One 6全部功能


64-Bit WAV Recording screenshot

Improved! Studio One® provides the highest-resolution audio production and mastering, thanks to its support for 64-bit floating-point WAV format — the recommended recording format for audio interfaces with 32-bit resolution. With this format option, the maximum recording and processing precision now reaches 64-bit/786 kHz. When resolution matters, choose Studio One.


Acoustic Drum Kits and Loops screenshot

Get inspired with these studio-quality sounds for Impact, including a brushy, airy, jazz kit; a retro-’70s rock kit; and a couple of polished pop kits—available with and without roomy reverb.

Audioloops using these same kits are also available in several popular grooves.


Advanced Audio Editing screenshot

Studio One® lets you experiment with sound confidently by equipping you with non-destructive editing and processing tools with unlimited undos. High-quality, real-time time-stretching with background rendering maximizes your CPU’s efficiency. Switch between multiple time-stretching modes to get just the effect you want, including tape-style resampling.

Transient detection, audio quantization, time-stretching, and slicing are all available in one convenient panel. Normalize, Event Gain, and Clip Gain Envelopes let you make your audio sound its best before adding plug-ins or automation. With Studio One’s advanced suite of audio editing tools, your recordings will sound better than ever.


Advanced Collaboration screenshot

New! PreSonus Sphere members benefit from Studio One’s advanced collaboration features! Share Songs, Shows, and entire Document folders with your PreSonus Sphere collaborators straight from Studio One’s Browser. Studio One’s intelligent sharing system will only upload and download the files that have changed, so upload/download times and file sizes are minimized.

Once a PreSonus Sphere member has created a shared workspace, any Studio One 6 user will be able to collaborate.


Advanced Grouping screenshot

When you need more than a simple temporary group to raise or lower the level of several channels at once, Studio One® has you covered with a powerful edit- and mix-grouping system. Groups can be nested (great for drums), named, colored, and assigned to keyboard shortcuts for enable/disable. Groups can be defined as Edit Groups or Mix Groups, complete with linked parameters, including Volume, Pan, Mute/Solo, and more. They’re easily edited and activated with one click, and group visibility can be displayed on a per-channel basis. You can even temporarily ungroup an item individually with a simple Alt-click.

Ampire 模拟器

Ampire screenshot

Studio One®’s Ampire plug-in has your guitar and bass amplification needs covered, featuring five of the most sought-after amps – collectively, these amps are responsible for a million hit songs! Ampire provides State-Space models of real analog circuits for unparalleled realism. 13 stompboxes and 16 impulse responses of classic cabinets are also included to give you the ultimate guitar rig that adapts to any genre with unlimited tone potential. Ready to rock even harder? Grab the High Density Add-on to get all the high-gain amps and stompboxes you need to shred! (Included with a PreSonus Sphere membership.)


Analog Delay screenshot

Analog Delay emulates a classic analog bucket-brigade delay to add vintage character to your sound! Create deteriorating echoes; modulate delay and pitch; and create retro flanging and chorus effects. A State-Space Modeled drive control adds natural analog saturation to the input stage. And with dedicated Width and Ping Pong controls, you have all the tools you need to sculpt your sound in thousands of ways.

Analog Delay is also available for use in other DAWs in VST3, AAX, and AU formats! These formats are free to Studio One Professional and PreSonus Sphere Members. Download PreSonus Hub to get started.

ARA 2.0植入

ARA 2.0 Support screenshot

Give those pitchy vocals a gentle nudge closer to home, revoice or harmonize vocals, tune that bass, or create extreme vocal effects using Celemony Melodyne, Antares Auto-Tune Pro, Synchro Arts VocAlign, ReVoice Pro, and any other audio manipulation plug-in that supports ARA 2.0. Studio One and Celemony developers worked together to develop this ground-breaking technology and as a result, no other DAW is as seamlessly integrated with Melodyne, making Melodyne’s tempo and chord detection available directly to the respective Tempo and Chord Tracks.


Arpeggiator screenshot

Arpeggiator turns chords and single notes into rhythmic cycles of melodies created from the notes your hold down on your controller. Create repeating patterns of notes that travel upward in pitch, downward, up-and-down, down-and-up, or in a randomized pattern. You can also use Arpeggiator to play repeated patterns of whole chords or note patterns that follow the order in which the notes are played. Use the Pattern function to create add velocity and note length changes to the arpeggio, opening many creative options for repeating musical articulations.


Arranger Track screenshot

The Arranger Track is a simple, intuitive way to reorder, duplicate, and remove entire Song sections across all of your Tracks at the same time. You can experiment with different arrangements, swap verses, lengthen or shorten choruses, and structure a Song exactly the way you want with a simple drag-and-drop.

Use the Arranger Track Inspector to quickly jump to different sections to test out arrangements on the fly. Simply double-click an Arranger Section while another section is playing and Studio One will seamlessly transition from one section to another—without skipping a beat!

技法与Key Switch编辑

Articulations and Key Switch Editing screenshot

Studio One® features advanced key switch integration for your favorite orchestral libraries and other virtual instruments. Key switches are filtered and excluded from playback processing so you can take advantage of Note FX and Chord Track while still using your favorite articulations.

View and edit key switches in context using the Sound Variations lane inside the Note Editor. Instruments that report their key switches display articulations with their names automatically. Third-party samplers and orchestral libraries that don’t support this can be mapped manually using Mapping Presets.


Audio Clip Versions screenshot

Create new versions of audio clips to add more creative freedom to clip-based editing. Use multiple versions of a clip that references the same audio file to try alternative edits with Melodyne, Bend Markers, or Gain Envelopes to dial in just the effect you need.


Autofilter screenshot

Improved! Create complex, tempo-synced, rhythmic filter patterns and lush filter sweeps with Autofilter. Featuring two resonant filters with eight selectable Filter Modes and independent Attack and Release controls, Autofilter lets you modulate filter cutoff frequencies and resonance with a phase-reversible LFO using standard waveforms, a 16-step sequencer, or an envelope follower. The State Space Modeled Drive stage lets you add natural analog saturation for vintage character.


Automatic latency compensation screenshot

Studio One® automatically compensates for the time delay that results from some VST and AU processing. This lets you avoid having to manually realign tracks to compensate for that delay and keeps all tracks perfectly in sync regardless of the number of plug-ins and effects you run.


Automation screenshot

Fine tune nearly every parameter in your mix with Automation Envelopes. Automation can be viewed per Track, as its own Track, or as Automation Lanes in editors. Use the Trim Tool to raise or lower the values in a range of automation. Use the Transform Tool to reshape automation, opening up new creative possibilities in a fraction of the time. Need more options? Use the Square, Triangle, Saw, and Sine Tools to create periodic modulation of any parameter, with full control over rate and amplitude.

Automation is available for both Songs and mastering Projects.


Autosave screenshot

Studio One’s configurable Auto-save can be set to save your work as frequently as you would like-but it’s smart enough to not run a save during tracking or playback. And because it always uses cached plug-in data, it’s super-quick and unobtrusive.


Aux Channels screenshot

Studio One® lets you incorporate your favorite hardware synths into your digital productions as easily as virtual instruments thanks to Aux Channels. Aux Channels feed any external audio into the Studio One Mixer without having to create an Audio Track that clutters your session.

Simply connect your external hardware to any available input on your audio interface and mix the audio signal natively using plug-ins, sample-accurate volume automation, and more. You can even add external instruments directly from the Studio One Browser using drag-and-drop to instantly begin sequencing!


Backup and Archive screenshot

Export Studio One Documents – Songs, Shows, and Projects – with all of their linked media files to a Zip file for easy backup and sharing. In addition, all unused files in your Document are exempted from the exported Zip to keep it as small as possible.

You can choose to convert all media to FLAC to save disk space, and you can even export your Zip file straight to a PreSonus Sphere Workspace – and access it again later from Studio One’s Browser.

Studio One can even decompress and reopen the Zip files that it makes.


Beat Delay screenshot

Create pulsating patterns and complex polyrhythms with Beat Delay, a tempo-synced delay plug-in with optional cross-delay and filtered feedback. Use this effect to change the feel of rhythmic parts by adding off beats or create spatial doubling and slap-back effects.

Binaural Pan 双声道控制插件

Binaural Pan screenshot

Binaural Pan is a panning effect that employs phase-manipulation to alter the perceived width of stereo signals, from mono to double the normal width. Use Binaural Pan on any stereo track to tightly control its stereo width and pan, and check for mono compatibility using the Mono switch.

Bitcrusher 位数破碎器

Bitcrusher screenshot

Perfect for audio abuse, Bitcrusher combines overdrive, bit-depth reduction, downsampling, and clipping into a single plug-in. Bit-depth reduction and downsampling are both digital-resolution reduction techniques but each has its own sonic effect. When used in combination, they create a wide variety of tonal options to distort and warp your sound.


Browser screenshot

Improved! Studio One®’s unique Browser window is your central hub for all your instruments, effects, sample and loop libraries, and more. Load virtual instrument and effects presets, audition audio files and Musicloops right from the Browser. Create custom folders, tag your favorite presets to add them to a single folder and more. The Browser’s bidirectional workflow even lets you drag loops or stems from your Song or Project directly to any local or shared cloud folder – including a PreSonus Sphere Workspace!

Once you add the Studio One Browser to your workflow, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.


Built-in shop screenshot

Audition and buy new sounds and plug-ins right from your Studio One Browser when inspiration strikes. The PreSonus Shop features hundreds of third-party loop libraries, plug-ins, and instruments… and they’re all available to preview and purchase right from your Studio One Browser so you stay in the moment of inspiration and can get back to creating!


Channel Overview screenshot

New! The Channel Overview window provides a single, consolidated view of all Channel parameters, including input controls, Inserts, Sends, and Cue Mix Sends for the selected channel.

Channel Overview supports Effect Micro Views for both Studio One’s Native Plug-ins and third-party VSTs. It’s a great way to work on the sound of a single Channel quickly and intuitively across multiple plug-ins without having to open a dedicated plug-in editor.


Channel Strip screenshot

Channel Strip features four powerful processors in one, including a low-cut filter, compressor, expander, and three-band parametric EQ. Channel Strip optionally applies automatic gain correction to the EQ so that the input-signal power matches the output-signal power. Use Channel Strip on any mono or stereo track that needs basic channel processing.


Channel Visibility Filters screenshot

Improved! The Console Channel List provides a variety of visibility filters, so you can adapt the Console to the aspects of the Song relevant to your current work. Filter options include: Audio Channels, Instrument Channels, FX Channels, Bus Channels, VCAs, Aux Channels

Simultaneously with any of the preceding filters, you can further filter visible Channels by Channel Name, Solo status, Mute status, or Enabled/Disabled status.


Chord Track screenshot

Only Studio One®’s Chord Track lets you create, audition, and change chord progressions in both audio and MIDI. It has never been easier to prototype a Song so quickly and simply – and keep your creative spark alive.

Just drag Audio or Note Events to the Chord Track to detect chords, and set your desired Tracks to Follow the Chord Track! Once an Audio Event’s chords have been detected, drag it onto an Instrument Track to instantly create MIDI chords. Chord Track information can even be transferred from your Song to your Show so you’ll never miss the next chord again!

Chorder 和弦器

Chorder screenshot

Chorder is an intelligent chord generator that lets you trigger chords by playing single notes. You can set chord intervals manually or capture chord shapes played on the keyboard. Each key can trigger a different chord of your choice, or you can choose a single chord shape to play across multiple keys. Select which part of the keyboard you want to trigger chords from and trigger chords with one hand, while playing single notes with the other.


Chorus screenshot

The Studio One® Chorus plug-in will let you thicken up guitar, vocal, or synth parts with lush, modulating textures. Choose one-, two-, or three-voice chorus processing and set an optional LFO delay time modulation, as well as a Stereo Width control. Whether you’re creating a dreamy vocal or performing a Rush solo, Chorus delivers a lush, immersive effect.

Chorus is also available for use in other DAWs in VST3, AAX, and AU formats! These formats are free to Studio One Professional and PreSonus Members. Download PreSonus Hub to get started.


Clip Gain Envelopes screenshot

Precisely fix gain issues while mastering or mixing without using dynamics plug-ins with Clip Gain Envelopes! Clip Gain Envelopes are sample-accurate, so they can be used to fix everything from an entire voiceover take to a single plosive.

Because the gain envelope is clip-based, adjustments are automatically applied to all audio events and parts that use that same audio clip. So you only need to fix a clip once to fix it everywhere it’s used in your session. They can even be bypassed, making it easy to compare the result of your Gain Envelopes without losing any of your adjustments.


Comping screenshot

Studio One®’s Comping tools make the once-tedious task of assembling a perfect take simple, efficient, and fun. Simply set up some loop points and record take after take without ever stepping out of your groove. When you’ve built up enough layers, use the Range Tool to promote the best parts to your main track. You’ve got a perfect take, and all you had to do was press the Record button and jam for a few minutes.

Studio One offers two methods of comping: quick-swipe or manual. Choose the workflow you prefer.


Compressor screenshot

Compressor is a full-featured, RMS-based mono/stereo compression processor with internal sidechain filter, external sidechain capability, a variable ratio up to 20:1, optional look-ahead compression, and robust metering for level, gain reduction, compression curve, and threshold. Use this effect to reduce the dynamic range (signal peaks) of any signal. An easy-to-use Sidechain feature lets you use an external signal to control the compressor behavior—or use the Filter for your internal and external sidechain.


Console Shaper screenshot

Console Shaper was the first plug-in developed for Mix Engine FX technology in Studio One®. Utilizing state-of-the-art State Space Modeling technology, Console Shaper captures the character and personality of legendary analog consoles, going far beyond virtual channel strips and mastering plug-ins. When added to a bus channel or the main output, Console Shaper processes every channel routed to that bus independently, allowing the plug-in to transform the sound of an entire mix, while still maintaining the nuances and dynamics of every individual channel.


Control Link screenshot

Control Link is a cutting-edge system for integrating external hardware controllers with your console, virtual instruments, effects, and other software parameters. Control Link simplifies the mapping process and lets you use the same hardware controls to control different things depending on what is in focus at the moment.

Assigning controls is an easy three-step process: move the desired parameter with your mouse, move the desired hardware control on your hardware controller, and click the Control Link Assign button. No other DAW makes it as fast and easy to customize hardware control over software features.


Cue Mix screenshot

Improved! Cue Mixes let you create monitor mixes quickly and easily, right from the Console! Cue Mixes can now be flipped to the main Console faders to quickly dial in a complete mix. By default, Cue Mixes mirror the main mix on a per-channel basis, making it simple to adjust levels and panning in some channels while leaving others the same. And if you’re using a compatible PreSonus audio interface, you’ll find your monitoring controls built right into Studio One. Cue Mixes let your musicians hear themselves clearly while you keep your eyes on your recording.


Customizable User Interface screenshot

Studio One®’s fully resizable single-window user interface was designed to put every critical function in the same window without feeling cluttered or busy. Studio One lets you detach and reposition Edit Views, the Console, and more. Further customize Studio One’s appearance with Dark and Light modes, Track and Channel colorization, a resizable Console and faders, and much more.

Create the Studio One that’s best for you with the Customization Editor – add the features you need and remove the ones you don’t to create an optimized workspace of your very own.


Customization Editor screenshot

Elevate your focus! Thanks to the Customization Editor, you’ll design the perfect Studio One feature set that’s right for you and your workflow. Streamline the Song Page to display only the features and tools you need by selectively removing UI elements from the Toolbar, Inspector, Transport Bar, and Browser.

Customization Presets can be stored and recalled so you can recall your favorite workflow for any task at any time.


De-Esser screenshot

New! The De-Esser is a full-featured dynamics processor used to selectively reduce the sibilance (S-sounds) of recordings by selectively compressing only the problematic frequencies. It’s particularly useful for layered vocal recordings, where undesirable sibilance can add up across multiple tracks — and it’s also a great way to tame harsh frequencies in high-hats and cymbals.


Drag-and-Drop screenshot

The unique drag and drop workflow is at the heart of Studio One®’s intuitive design. Add audio loops, plug-in effects, virtual instruments — even specific presets for both — simply by dragging them from the Browser. Copy complete Insert FX and Send chains from one Channel to another by drag-and-drop. Convert an Instrument Part to audio by dragging it to an Audio Track. Extract chords by dragging any audio or MIDI object directly to the Chord Track. Drag Arranger sections to create completely new arrangements on the fly. And that’s just the beginning.

No other DAW lets you work so quickly and efficiently.


Dropout Protection for Low-Latency Monitoring screenshot

Studio One maximizes your computer’s power with its unique Audio Dropout Protection and an advanced Native Low-Latency Monitoring system. This system handles audio playback and monitoring for audio inputs and virtual instruments as separate processes, letting you use a large processing buffer to handle heavy audio playback and effects processing tasks, while keeping latency low for audio input and virtual instrument monitoring. You’ll never have to compromise between low-latency monitoring and computer performance.


Drum Editor screenshot

Studio One® features an innovative, streamlined Drum View to edit drum parts as fast as you can think. Drum View lets you name pitches by instrument and, with one click, hide any pitch not used for drum notes, creating a much cleaner look for drum parts that’s easy on the eyes and much clearer for editing. Combined with Impact XT and hundreds of preconfigured pitch names and mapping scripts available free from PreSonus Exchange, the new Drum Editor is like an accelerator for drum editing.


Drum Notation screenshot

Create drum notation using Studio One’s Score View. The drum map interface lets you add both the drum and note name to a corresponding notated pitch. A special preview window lets you drag each intended pitch up or down. You can even add a custom notehead and drum technique. A General MIDI drum map preset is included as standard to provide a time-saving starting point for naming and mapping your favorite drum libraries to begin creating your own custom drum map collection.

Studio One can also analyze incoming note information and assign the notes into different voices automatically.


Easy Sidechain Routing screenshot

Every Studio One® Native Effects dynamics plug-in has easy sidechain routing so you can get the sound you want without routing headaches you don’t need. Sidechain routing can be controlled both to and from the plug-in with one click.


Editable Folder Tracks screenshot

Studio One®’s Folder Tracks aren’t just a great way to keep your session organized, they also include grouping and busing options that improve editing and mixing workflow. Just like Instrument and Audio Tracks, Folder Tracks have Mute, Solo, Record, and Monitor Enable buttons that control every Track inside the Folder. Folder Tracks can also be resized, copied-and-pasted, moved, and duplicated, allowing you to manipulate multiple Tracks with a single action.


Electronic Audioloops screenshot

Here are speaker-rattling Electronic Audioloops (no MIDI) for you to arrange, rearrange, chop up, and make your own. You get EDM loops, phrases, FM synths, drums, guitars, basslines, lead arpeggios, and more, all key- and tempo-labeled, in a handful of timeless styles, as well as some weird stuff, like chopped-up pianos, sci-fi effects, and glitchy sounds.


Electronic Kits and Musicloops screenshot

These professionally produced chord sequences (in multiple keys), bass loops, organ phrases, and even full mixes will get you creating music right out of the gate. They’re all in Studio One®’s proprietary Musicloop format, which contains both the MIDI and Instrument data.


Event-based Effects screenshot

Ever get tired of automating the bypass on an insert plug-in? Yeah, we do, too; that’s why we made adding Event-based real-time effects fast and easy. Simply drag-and-drop any effect or effect preset from the Studio One® Browser to any Event on the timeline while holding Alt/Opt. You can even render the effect right away to save processing power—which is always reversible, of course!


Exchange screenshot

At PreSonus® Exchange, Studio One® users can browse, download, review, and preview shared Studio One content from our unparalleled user community, as well as upload content and rate content from other users. You also get a public landing page where your content contributions are posted for all to see. Exchange lets you share presets, drum maps, FX chains, grooves, macros, extensions, Soundsets, and more.

PreSonus Sphere members get access to exclusive Exchange content from Studio One power users like Luke Mourinet, Jinbo, Yang Tan, Emily Wolfe, and more.


Exclusive cutting-edge dithering algorithm screenshot

Studio One’s proprietary, custom-designed dithering algorithm minimizes conversion artifacts and preserves low-level signals. Dithering prevents the harsh-sounding truncation distortion that can occur when converting digital audio from a high-resolution format (such as a 32-bit float .WAV file) to a lower-resolution format (like a 16-bit .MP3).

Our dithering algorithm ensures that these conversions will minimize the audible noise, artifacts, and distortion that can be caused by lesser algorithms. So you can record and master in high-resolution audio and downsample for online distribution or streaming — without introducing artifacts and noise in your flawless recording. And it’s a Studio One exclusive.


Expander screenshot

Expander is a fully variable downward or upward expander with range control and a sidechain, including a sidechain filter with variable low-cut and high-cut. Use Expander to decrease the levels of unwanted noise or bleed from other sources in the desired signal or to restore dynamic range to a compressed signal.


Fader Flip screenshot

New! Fader Flip makes setting up the perfect monitor mix or dialing in a full bus mix lightning fast by letting you control the send levels to any bus, sidechain, or Cue Mix right from the main faders!

Just click the Flip icon, and any Channels using active Sends to the currently-selected FX Channel, Bus, Cue Mix, or sidechain will have its send control mapped to the main faders so you can dial in the perfect mix all at once. Producers working with full bands will wonder how they ever lived without it!

Fat Channel XT高级通道条

Fat Channel XT screenshot

Fat Channel XT is the ultimate channel strip for any input or bus, with a variable high-pass filter, gate/expander, compressor, EQ, and limiter — all in one plug-in. In addition to the classic StudioLive compressor and EQ modules, you get two State-Space Modeled compressors and EQs re-created from coveted vintage studio gear.

Need more virtual analog goodness? Fat Channel XT can be expanded with any or all of the eight compressor and seven EQ models in the Fat Channel Collection (included with a PreSonus Sphere membership).


Flanger screenshot

Flanger creates spatial depths, swirls, timbral shifts, and percussive effects. Perfect for use on guitar tracks to create interesting shifts in timbre and tone, Flanger can help create lush synth sounds, as well.

Flanger works by splitting an audio signal into two identical signals; applying a varying, short delay to one signal; feeding its output back to its input by varying amounts; and mixing the processed and unprocessed signals. You can modulate Flanger’s delay time with an LFO, which can be tempo-synced for perfectly timed effects.


Gate screenshot

Gate is a noise-gate processor with Range control. It features sidechain capability with a sidechain filter that includes variable low cut and high cut. Use Gate to eliminate unwanted noise or low levels. Alternatively, use it creatively to control the level of one source from another—ideal for producing rhythmic pumping and glitch effects using the sidechain—or sidechain it to your favorite virtual instrument and let Gate do the sample replacement for you.


Groove Delay screenshot

Create everything from rhythmic echoes to out-of-control repeating pitch shifts with Groove Delay. This four-tap, tempo-synced delay offers variable filters and an independent beat grid. Use Groove Delay to create tempo-synced delay patterns ranging from simple subdivision taps to intricate, evolving grooves or granular effects. Two X/Y grids let you control the cutoff, resonance, and bandpass filters simply by dragging a point across the grids. Each tap gets its own independent filter, and the Groove parameter lets you adjust the delay time relative to the Beat setting to create evolving polyrhythmic beats, mind-bending pitch shifts, and more.


Groove Extraction screenshot

Tighten up loose performances or get wildly creative with Groove Extraction! Just drag the rhythmic lead to the Groove panel to quantize every instrument to match. Any audio or MIDI event can be quantized to match an extracted groove, making it blazingly fast to clean up multi-instrument performances.

Spice up your electronic productions by extracting a great groove from a funk loop and applying it to a straight-eighth drum loop. Drag the same groove to an Instrument Track to create a funky bassline that exactly matches the timing of the drum performance. The possibilities are endless!


Harmonic Editing screenshot

Studio One’s groundbreaking Harmonic Editing lets you change pitch in both polyphonic audio and MIDI. When inspiration strikes, you won’t need to re-record a bassline or guitar riff just to try a chord substitution — place your new chord in the Chord Track you’ll hear it applied instantly, in the context of your existing Song. Best of all, Harmonic Editing is non-destructive, so you’re free to play.

Use Harmonic Editing to get the most from your loop library by changing the key and chord progressions for endless variations. Once you use Harmonic Editing, you’ll wonder how you got along without it.


High-DPI Graphics screenshot

Studio One® is more than just a pretty face, giving you the flexibility to customize its look to your taste or for different work environments. We also want you to enjoy Studio One no matter where you use it, from a small notebook to a 5K display, including multi-monitor setups—we tested it with six monitors! Studio One delivers thanks to its high-DPI graphics and supports the latest multi-touch computers and monitors so you can get your hands on your mix, arrangement, editing tools, and more.


High-Resolution Note Editing screenshot

Studio One® works with all the standard MIDI gear you know and love, from controllers to tone modules. But once MIDI data arrives into Studio One, it’s converted to a high-resolution, 32-bit internal format, which makes it ready to support high-resolution MIDI 2.0. That means no zipper noise on instruments, smoother controller changes and pitch bends, more detailed automation, and more.

A powerful set of creative Note Actions, like Randomize, Apply Scale, Mirror Notes, and more help you get the most from your Instrument Track. MIDI editing has never been better.

Impact XT 鼓机

Impact XT screenshot

Impact XT is a comprehensive beat- and rhythm-production instrument that lets you create complete arrangements that combine one-shots and tempo-synced loops. Stretch samples in real time, then quantize, re-pitch, reverse, and loop them — all within Impact XT.

Assign samples and add effects plug-ins to individual pads with drag and drop. Create dynamic, realistic performances with multi-layered samples. You get 8 banks of 16 pads, plus sixteen mono and stereo outputs to create polished mixes.

With seamless ATOM-series pad controller integration, powerful audio processing, infinite performance possibilities, and flexible mixing capabilities, you’ll wonder how you ever made beats without it.

Impact XT Core 音乐素材库

Impact XT Core Library screenshot

Impact XT is more than just a rhythm machine; it’s also suitable for melodic applications, and this bundle of Impact XT sounds proves it by leveraging Studio One®’s proprietary Musicloop format. Drag-and-drop an Impact XT Core Library Musicloop from the Browser to the Edit window, and Studio One will load Impact automatically, load all the right samples, and render a pattern right before your eyes. Reverse-engineer this result to learn what makes Impact XT really powerful.

Individual instrument WAVs and mixdowns are also available as standard loops—key- and tempo-labeled, of course.


Input Filter screenshot

Input Filter lets you filter out unwanted notes before they reach your instrument or MIDI device. You can specify a range of allowed note pitches and a range of allowed note velocities; all notes that fall outside of either of those ranges are stopped.


Input Mixer screenshot

The Input Mixer provides input gain and polarity controls for every Audio, Instrument, FX and Bus Channel in the console. This new approach to gain staging offers more flexibility and precise control throughout the entire recording and mixing process. It also allows for the traditional printing of outboard processing, for those who like to commit to decisions early in the mixing process. If you’re using supported PreSonus hardware like StudioLive Series III mixers, you’ll find software control over your preamps, phantom power and so much more.


Inspector screenshot

Improved! The Track and Event Inspector Views offer you fast access to important per-track and per-event parameters and functions without opening the Console or other windows. Choose the Timestretching Mode for each track individually. View the Console channel for a single track, complete with inserts, sends, and input controls.

The Event Inspector lets you add and view Event FX, transpose or fine-tune a single Event, add fades and much more. When you need to make nuanced edits to a single Track or Event, the Inspector view gives you all the critical information you need to dial in your sound.

IR Maker 脉冲响应制作插件

IR Maker screenshot

IR Maker is a utility plug-in that allows you to capture your own impulse responses for use with the PreSonus® OpenAIR plug-in, the cabinet section of Ampire XT, and any other host/IR loader applications. Capture the ambience of your favorite real-world acoustic spaces for later use in Studio One®. IR Maker also features automatic latency compensation to make creating custom impulse responses quick and easy.


Keyboard Shortcuts screenshot

Studio One® includes customizable keyboard shortcuts that let you speed up your workflow by placing crucial and frequently used commands right at your fingertips. You can even map Studio One controls to the same commands used by Pro Tools, Cubase, Logic, or Sonar—especially helpful if you’re switching between DAWs frequently or transitioning to using Studio One as your main DAW.


Level Meter screenshot

The Level Meter plug-in is a level meter that can be set as a horizontal or vertical display and sized as large or as small as you like. Choose from Peak/RMS, K-20, K-14, and K-12 modes; set RMS and Hold Length; engage to display phase correlation; even display True Peak metering. Throw Level Meter on your main bus, and you’ll always have an eye on your mix.


Limiter2 screenshot

Limiter2 is a brickwall limiting processor with optional K-System Metering. Use it to prevent your output signal from clipping, or to maximize signals with very dynamic peaks. Limiter2 has received a major overhaul in Studio One® 5 and now features three attack speeds and two different modes to control distortion.


Listen Bus screenshot

The Listen Bus in Studio One’s Console provides a control room feed independent of the main output. Solo a track for the Control Room without affecting the Main or Cue Mixes. A dedicated AFL/PFL option lets you monitor soloed signals pre- or post-fader.

Available for both Songs and Mastering Projects, the Listen Bus also lets you use calibration plug-ins to tune your studio monitors to your room without affecting your main mix. Any plug-in inserted in the Listen Bus is only processing the monitor path, so you’ll never accidentally bounce a master with your calibration plug-in engaged again!


Live Arranging screenshot

Stay in the moment while performing with backing tracks using the Arranger Track on the Show Page. Experiment on the fly while you’re on stage or streaming live with five playback modes available on a per-section basis: Continue, Stop at End, Skip, Loop, or Loop and Continue.

Enable Play mode and simply click any other section to cue it to play next without missing a beat. The Arranger Track can also be used to create Patches to automatically change presets. Best of all: every Arranger Track section is available from Studio One Remote for even more control.


Live Chord Display screenshot

Never forget the next chord again! Whether you’re recording a long session or performing on a livestream, Studio One’s Chord Display has your back. Set it to show the current chord from the Chord Track, the input chord, or the currently-selected chord in the editor. When showing chords from the Chord Track, the Chord Display shows both the current and next chord, as well as a progress bar to indicate the time to the next chord change — making it a great tool for recording and performing artists, as well as teachers and students.


Lyrics Support screenshot

New! Add lyrics to your productions and live performances! Whether you’re creating lead sheets, or recording vocals with a full band, you’ll find a use for the Lyrics Track. Lyrics can even be created in or transferred to the Show Page to use during rehearsals or on those long-haul performances.

Use the Global Lyrics Track to add lyrics as markers in your audio productions. Or open the Piano or Score View to add lyrics to individual MIDI notes using whole words or individual syllables. The Lyrics Display lets you view, edit, and format your words – even use your lyrics to navigate your session!


Macro Controls screenshot

To facilitate editing of the diverse sounds made possible by Studio One®, each Console channel and Multi Instrument has a Macro Panel with eight knobs and switches that can be assigned to the most critical instrument or effect parameters. These Macro Controls, in turn, can be assigned to your favorite MIDI controller for hands-on fun with your sounds.

With Macro Controls, multiple parameters can be assigned to the same control, with independent Range/Polarity/Curve controls. Additional XY vector pads can be assigned with individual parameters; they can collapse/expand and are most useful when using a multitouch-enabled display.

Mai Tai合成器

Mai Tai screenshot

A polyphonic analog modeling synthesizer with an elegant interface, Mai Tai produces sounds that can change character, with drastic morphing changes and unique timbres. Its Multimode Filter offers sounds ranging from vintage analog to state-of-the-art “zero-delay feedback filter.” Get modular synth-style operation for enormously complex sounds via Mai Tai’s 16-stage modulation matrix. Mai Tai provides up to 32 synth voices, 2 oscillators with sine, triangle, saw, and square wave options; 3 ADSR envelopes; and built-in chorus, flanger, delay, and reverb. When you’re ready to make unique sounds, Mai Tai can do it all.


Marker Track screenshot

When you need to navigate through your song quickly, the Marker Track gets you where you need to go. Lock Markers to their bar and beat location so no matter how the tempo changes, your Markers stay put. Customize Marker names, export audio between desired Markers, create Arranger sections from your Markers, and even call up any Marker from your keyboard, hardware controller, or Studio One® Remote for iPad® and Android™ tablet. The Marker Track even offers a custom Track Inspector that lets you navigate, rename, add, and delete Markers in one convenient location.


Mastering Tools screenshot

Studio One®’s plug-ins provide the final EQ, dynamics, and imaging control that can make the difference between a track being “good” and “great.” But you’ll also find analysis tools like spectrum analysis, K-System and EBU loudness metering, phase metering, an expandable level meter, and an oscilloscope to provide visual confirmation of what you hear—as well as to help with conformance to broadcast and duplication standards. Apply processing to individual tracks or the entire collection to take your mixes to the next level using Studio One’s integrated Project Page.

Melodyne Essentials 修音精简版

Melodyne Essentials screenshot

We have partnered with Celemony to bring you access to Grammy-winning Melodyne, the most powerful timing, pitch correction, and manipulation tool on the market. Using the ARA extension PreSonus® co-developed with Celemony, Studio One lets you use Melodyne’s selection of detection algorithms to manipulate the melodic and timing structure of your audio without the tedious task of making edits by hand.

Melodyne is tightly integrated with Studio One®. Studio One Artist comes with Celemony Melodyne Trial; Studio One Professional comes with a full Celemony Melodyne Essential license.

Mix Engine FX 混合引擎效果器

Mix Engine FX screenshot

Add all the grit and character of the worlds most sought-after analog consoles to your Studio One Mixes with Mix Engine FX. Unlike conventional plug-ins that can only process a single channel or bus output, our proprietary Mix Engine FX technology affects your music across all channels and even in between, letting you add vintage-inspired artifacts like console crosstalk, surface noise, tape saturation and bleed to your digital mixes.

Studio One Professional comes with Console Shaper, but we also offer CTC-1 Pro and Retro Mix Legends Mix for more analog goodness (both are included with PreSonus® Sphere membership).


Mixer Scenes screenshot

Mixer Scenes are complete Mixer snapshots and can be saved at any time and recalled in their entirety or filtered to only include volume, pan, mute, inserts, sends, cue mix settings, input controls, or any combination thereof. Store and recall entire Mixer Scenes, Groups, or just a single Channel. The last active Mix Scene stays highlighted in the Scenes List, so you always know which Scene you’re working with. Scenes can be recalled globally or limited to selected channels and are automatically saved with the current Song or your favorite Song template.


Mixtool screenshot

Mixtool provides common track utilities, including a Gain control, independent left- and right-channel inversion, left- and right-channel swap, and Mid-Side transformation of stereo signals. Use Mixtool when inverting channels to correct for phase cancellation and correlation issues, as well as to provide additional volume trim options anywhere in the signal chain and independent from the main channel fader. In combination with Studio One®’s easy parallel routing, Mixtool allows you to use any conventional plug-in for M/S-processing.

MixVerb® 混响

MixVerb® screenshot

MixVerb® is a simple and efficient reverb that is meant to be used as an insert on mono or stereo tracks. MixVerb features adjustable size, pre-delay, and damping, as well as an adjustable gate and stereo width control. Use it to add just the right amount of atmosphere to any signal.

Mojito 合成器

Mojito screenshot

Mojito is a monophonic, subtractive synth with built-in effects that can deliver a wide range of sounds, from resonant bass lines to funky leads. Mojito provides pulse and sawtooth waveforms, both rich in harmonics, which are passed through an analog-style, resonant, 24 dB/octave low-pass filter that can be modulated, singly or in combination, by key position; ADSR envelope generator; velocity; and a tempo-syncable LFO. An integrated FX section lets you add depth and color to broaden your sound. The Drive control can overload the virtual filter circuit to get the vintage feel you’ve been after.


MTC/MMC Synchronization screenshot

Studio One® can generate or follow MTC, allowing Studio One Songs, Projects, and Shows to follow external timecode. MIDI Timecode can be sent to any available MIDI source and destination, and MIDI Machine Control can be sent to any external MIDI device.

Note: An outboard synchronizer is required for conversion from SMPTE. An external word clock (source) is recommended for additional accuracy.


Multi Instruments screenshot

A Multi Instrument is a stack of multiple Virtual Instruments on a single Instrument Track that can be played, recorded, and edited as a single Instrument. A Multi Instrument can be key-split or layered, and offers full control over keyboard and velocity zones — plus powerful Note FX routing options.

Each Multi Instrument has its own Console channel, with each individual output of the combined Instruments as full-featured sub-channels. Process these outputs with plug-ins and sends, then save everything into a single Multi Preset. The possibilities for creative production and sound design are endless!


Multiband Dynamics screenshot

Multiband Dynamics is a compressor/expander with five completely independent compression/expansion bands, optional simultaneous adjustment over all bands, and multiband metering. Use it to reduce unwanted signals or banded noise and to emphasize or limit certain instruments. Multiband Dynamics is great for mastering compression on a complete mix and easy de-essing by applying compression only to the offending sibilance frequency range. Multiband Dynamics can also be easily sidechained for parallel compression and more.


Multitrack Drum Editing screenshot

When it comes to multitrack drum editing, Studio One® provides a robust suite of tools and features, including grouping, guide tracks, transient detection, and various slicing and time-stretching methods—all inside the convenient Audio Bend Panel. It’s like having your own personal rhythm investigator on the job.

Once you’ve found the way you like to edit drums, you can preserve your setup to make the next session’s drum editing go even more quickly.

Notation 制谱支持动态和技法标记

Notation Dynamics and Articulation Marks screenshot

Composers can add dynamics and articulation marks to their scores using familiar notation symbols — and virtual instruments will respond with the appropriate performance. Dynamics symbols are tied to MIDI velocity, with customizable values.

Musical Symbols also now receive their own Lane in the Note Editor — any changes made in Score View will be reflected in Note Editor, and vice-versa. Musical Symbols can be mapped by hand, or Auto-Assigned based on the Sound Variation names of the currently-loaded instrument.


Note Actions screenshot

Note-editing options are at the heart of MIDI editing in Studio One®. The Note Actions menu offers fast, intuitive editing and composition and includes creative note-editing options for Instrument Tracks, including Randomize, Apply Scale, Mirror, and more. All of these are assignable to keyboard shortcuts and included in macros. Finally, you can create your own custom Macro Panels or pages, with your most frequently used editing operations just one click away.


Note Controller Support screenshot

Studio One supports note controllers that can affect individual notes rather than the entirety of a track. With compatible MIDI controllers, you can use polyphonic aftertouch and MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression).

NEW! Mai Tai, SampleOne XT and Presence XT now offer support for Note Controllers. Pitch, pressure and timbre are available as modulation sources In Mai Tai and Presence XT, and can be routed to any available destination. SampleOne XT allows Filter Cutoff and Amp Gain to be controlled by pressure.


Note Editor screenshot

Studio One®’s piano view Note Editor is instantly familiar to anyone who has worked with MIDI — and perfectly intuitive to those who haven’t. A MIDI controller can be used to input notes traditionally or via Step Entry mode, and several tools support note entry and editing via mouse.

Quantize, Humanize, and Groove Templates all allow for nuanced manipulation of note timing. Automation Lanes can be elegantly painted in, using a variety of tools. Advanced Note Actions like Randomize, Slice at Grid, and Mirror Notes are exciting creative tools that can rescue you from a compositional rut – even create a strum pattern!


Note Repeat screenshot

Fully remote-controllable from any MIDI controller, Note Repeat has its own section in the Record Panel where you can activate/deactivate it, quickly switch between different note values, and activate/deactivate Note Erase. Set the gate time for notes and use key or poly pressure to control note velocity. Quantize notes to the Song grid; when Quantize is inactive, notes are triggered instantly from a key or pad. Use Key Remote mode to control all Note Repeat functions from a keyboard controller. These are just a fewof the new Note Repeat features!

Notion® 集成

Notion® Integration screenshot

Studio One’s Score View provides powerful notation features, but when it’s time to get serious, you need real notation software. hat’s where award-winning Notion comes in. Send note data right from Studio One to Notion to create lead sheets and printed scores. Conversely, scores created in Notion and Notion Mobile can be sent to Studio One to create full productions with audio, advanced mixing, and more. Track names, Tempo and Chord Maps, even virtual instrument assignments for playback are all transferred between the applications along with the note data, so you’ll pick up right where you left off.

OpenAIR 卷积混响

OpenAIR screenshot

OpenAIR is a highly efficient convolution reverb capable of delivering ultra-realistic results based on impulse responses captured from both real spaces and classic hardware reverbs. Use OpenAIR to add lush reverb to your recordings and employ the integrated 4-band EQ to shape your sound. Take your own impulse responses with IR Maker and re-create your favorite real-world acoustic space in your mix.

Pan Modes 声相模式

Pan Modes screenshot

New! Studio One offers three panner modes on stereo channels in the Console:

  • Balance. The default mode which allows you to position the Channel’s signal left to right in the stereo image.
  • Dual. A stereo panner that allows for independent left/right panning.
  • Binaural. A stereo panner that employs mid/side processing to manipulate the perceived width of stereo signals, from mono to double the normal width.


Patterns screenshot

Get step sequencing fast with Studio One®‘s Patterns. Patterns are perfect for step programming and changing variations on the fly. Even better, Patterns are playable, real-time sequencers. You can change every parameter on a per-step basis — including 10 levels of repeat for “strummed” effects, probability controls, and Automation Lanes. Once the Pattern is complete, click and drag its edge to extend the Pattern for as long as you want within a track.

There’s no need for a separate plug-in or track type to do pattern-based sequencing, because Patterns work side-by-side with conventional Instrument Parts on the same track.

Pedalboard 插件

Pedalboard screenshot

Use Ampire’s collection of Stompboxes without the amps! Pedalboard features all 13 incredible stompboxes to warp vocals, drum machines, keyboards, kazoos, or any other audio source. Best of all, you can drag and drop stompbox settings between Ampire and Pedalboard, so go ahead and steal that Big Fuzz tone from your guitarist… we won’t tell!


Performance View screenshot

Performance View for Studio One’s Show Page offers a streamlined interface that displays only the functions you need to pull off an amazing gig. Use Macro Controls View to see only the most critical controls. Patch View displays all the Patches for a given Player on an easy-to-read grid to quickly recall Patches for your virtual or real instruments. Launch loops, repeat verses, and more with the Arranger View. Performance View provides all the tools you need to make your live performance inspiring, creative, and fun!


Phase Meter screenshot

The Phase Meter is helpful when checking stereo playback issues and mono compatibility. There are two components to this meter: a large goniometer at the center of the plug-in window and a correlation meter at the very bottom. The goniometer displays left versus right channel amplitude on several axes. The correlation meter shows an average of the audio signal’s phase relationships.


Phaser screenshot

The unmistakable rising and falling effect of a phaser may have been popularized by guitarists of the 1970s but it sounds good on nearly anything: synths, drum overheads, and even vocals.

Phaser works by applying a variable number of allpass filters (one fed into the other), along with one overall feedback loop, to the input signal. An LFO modulates the center frequency for each all-pass filter. The allpass filters function as frequency-dependent delays, so that when the filtered output is added to the original input signal, certain frequencies can be attenuated or amplified as the result of phase shifting.

Pipeline XT 模拟信号出入器

Pipeline XT screenshot

Pipeline XT makes using analog processors as easy as adding a plug-in. Pipeline XT manages the signal flow to and from the external processor. Use the Auto button to measure and compensate for latency automatically. Then use the Offset parameter to make manual adjustments.

Although Pipeline XT is a stereo plug-in, it supports mono sends without using a second hardware output — perfect for use with mono-in / stereo-out processors. Save text notes and photos of your hardware to your presets to document specific setup instructions and settings for your hardware.

Plug-in Manager 插件管理窗

Plug-in Manager screenshot

Managing huge libraries of plug-ins and virtual instruments in Studio One® is faster and easier than ever before. Plug-in Manager combines all the tools for managing large systems in one place. Hiding duplicate plug-ins and adding or removing individual plug-ins to or from the blocklist now only takes a few clicks. You can even put your plug-ins to sleep, preventing them from using CPU resources when not processing audio.

The Plug-in Manager’s Version column lets you ensure your plug-in library is always up to date; and a new Statistics tab provides useful information for error tracking and customer support.

Plug-in Nap 插件休眠

Plug-in Nap screenshot

Studio One’s Plug-in Nap improves overall CPU performance by disabling processing for any plug-ins that are not currently passing audio. The status for each plug-in can be monitored in the updated Performance Monitor. Plug-in Nap is automatically suspended when the plug-in window is opened.

In addition to enabling/disabling Plug-in Nap globally, the Plug-in Manager offers individual enable/disable switches for each plug-in, allowing you to exclude any plug-in that doesn’t support Plug-in Nap, while using it for others in the session.

Pop-up Faders 弹出推子

Pop-up Faders screenshot

New! Pan and both FX Sends and CueMix Sends have convenient pop-up-faders, providing an enlarged version of the level and pan faders for improved accessibility and fine adjustments.

In addition to level and pan, the pop-up views include options for pre/post-fader and lock.

Pre-Record 提前录制

Pre-Record screenshot

Mistakes happen. The opening notes of a singer’s first perfect performance of the day get missed because the engineer forgot to hit Record, or maybe you just missed the punch-in. Those mistakes can be embarrassing but what happens in Studio One® stays in Studio One, so nobody has to be the wiser. With Retrospective Record, Studio One can capture up to a full minute of audio before you click the record button so your secret’s safe—and so is your recording.

Presence XT 采样器

Presence XT screenshot

Presence XT is a powerful polyphonic sample player with a multi-sample layer architecture and built-in synth features and effects. You also get key switch-compatible Sound Variations for nuanced, lifelike sounds; adjustable fret noise for guitars and basses, drawbar controls for Hammond organ presets, and more.

Add more sound libraries with Add-ons like Deep Flight One, PreSonus Studio Grand, and PreSonus Symphony Orchestra. Unlock the full potential of Presence XT with complete access to sample editing, mapping, and scripting features with Presence XT Editor. Or super-charge your Presence XT experience and get it all by joining PreSonus Sphere.

Presence XT Core 音乐素材库

Presence XT core library screenshot

This library provides a diverse array of instruments for Studio One®’s robust sampler. Get your fill of classic keyboard and percussion sounds, served up alongside a bounty of surprisingly articulate and expressive strings, woodwinds, and brass. Guitars and basses round out the offering alongside several choral options ranging from “ooh” to “aah.”

Many presets provide multiple articulations assigned to key switches, which are automatically displayed by their names in the Musical Editor.

PreSonus Sphere Integration 订阅会员植入

PreSonus Sphere Integration screenshot

Improved! PreSonus Sphere’s streamlined, efficient workspaces are available directly from Studio One’s Browser. Transferring files between Studio One and PreSonus Sphere is as easy as dragging any item from the Arrangement or Browser to a folder inside a Workspace. The Browser also lets you drag items from inside a Workspace into the Arrangement or a local folder.

You can share an entire document folder, including all document versions and related files. Studio One even takes care of versioning for you, so you can focus on being creative.

Prime 精选循环音乐及音效

Prime Selection Loops and Sounds screenshot

This “greatest hits” assemblage from many of our Add-ons and loops, has been specially cherry-picked for the Studio One® Prime customer. You get 10 multitrack loops in a construction kit format; enjoy the full mixes or mess with their constituent instruments to rearrange. Make something new from something free.

Some of the best developers from have made selections available in this bundle, so expect more loops in everything from hip-hop and trap to Indian dubstep.


Producer Loops and Kits screenshot

A sampler platter of loops and Impact XT kits from three of the best sample and loop developers in the game—Big Fish Audio, Sample Magic, and MVP Loops—this collection includes everything from basses to synth leads to flute loops suitable for EDM and hip-hop. You get plenty of one-shots, lots of key- and tempo-labeled musical loops and phrases, and more drum loops than you’ll know what to do with.

Pro EQ3 均衡器

ProEQ3 screenshot

Improved! Pro EQ3 is a seven-band parametric equalizer that gives you precise, granular control to sculpt your sound. You get a phase-linear low-cut, variable high-cut, low-frequency, and high-frequency multimode filters. Solo each band while making hyper-sensitive adjustments. Tame unruly frequencies at the source with the per-band dynamic mode. With ProEQ3, every track will shine through your mix!

The 12th-octave spectrum display overlays frequency content on top of a piano keyboard, making visualizing frequency content easy. Add a dedicated input meter, adjustable meter range, and peak hold and you have an indispensable tool for producers and mix engineers.


Project Page screenshot

Studio One® Professional is the only DAW that links Songs and stems to finished, mixed projects. Transfer Studio One Songs to the Project Page for mastering, and if you hear anything you need to change, simply open the Song and make your tweaks. The revised version will automatically be updated in your Project so you can continue mastering.

Studio One provides all the tools you need to create professional masters for your albums and create Red Book CD Masters, publish online to streaming platform, and provides professional-level DDP import/export for duplicators.


Publication and distribution screenshot

Studio One’s Digital Release options let you publish your Projects directly to your SoundCloud™ or PreSonus Sphere account in nearly any format you could imagine. You’ll export mixdowns in multiple formats with different settings simultaneously — with no increase in export time! Select from Target Loudness presets to optimize your tracks for the most popular streaming audio services with zero guesswork.

And we didn’t forget traditional physical media — you also get DDP export for duplicators, Red Book CD burning, and disc image creation options.

When it’s time to share your music with the world, Studio One’s got you covered.

RedlightDist™ 失真效果器

RedlightDist™ screenshot

A user favorite since Studio One® version 1, RedlightDist® is an analog distortion emulator with teeth. Run your audio through up to three stages of tubes, transistor, op-amps, and fuzz to add just a little noise or pure distorted delight. An internal filter provides even more control over the distortion color, from rich and fuzzy to ear-piercing noise.

RedlightDist is also available for use in other DAWs in VST3, AAX, and AU formats! These formats are free to Studio One Professional and PreSonus Members. Download PreSonus Hub to get started.


Repeater screenshot

Repeater works just like it sounds: It creates rhythmic repetitions of the notes you play. These repetitions can be simple copies of incoming notes or can change in velocity, gate length, and pitch as the pattern plays.

Retrospective Record 追溯式录音

Retrospective Record screenshot

Creativity can strike at any moment whether you’re recording or not. With Retrospective Record, you’ll never miss another great idea, perfect phrase, or killer hook again. From the moment you enable an Instrument track, Studio One captures every note, controller movement, and parameter change independently for each track, even when you’re not recording.

Retrospective Record works while the transport is playing back as well as when playback is stopped. So whether you’re jamming along to playback or figuring out that perfect lead in isolation, Studio One will remember your great ideas and performances for you.

RMS/peak metering RMS峰值电平表

RMS/peak metering screenshot

Studio One provides a single meter that displays peak and RMS levels simultaneously. Use the peak meter to view the highest output level in a single instant and the RMS meter to view the average level of an audio signal over time. The RMS meter is also a great way to view the perceived loudness of the audio, whereas peak metering can show you the moments that may require taming. By showing both meter styles, Studio One lets you keep an eye on your output levels over time and in real-time.


Room Reverb screenshot

Room Reverb is a room-simulator reverb plug-in that lets you create virtual room models to add just the right amount of ambiance to your productions. Four different room models can be customized using variable room parameters like size, width, and height, as well as the distance, asymmetry, and relative height between the source and the listener. Add in room character parameters like dampness, reflectivity, and population, and you can re-create just about any space you can imagine.

Rotor 箱体模拟效果器

Rotor screenshot

Add motion and a unique tonal character to organs, guitars and more with Rotor, a rotary speaker emulation plug-in with tube model and simulated independently rotating high-mid horn and bass woofer. Each speaker’s rotation can be set to a range of speeds, with realistic braking and acceleration effects when changing speeds. A State Space Modeled drive stage to add natural analog saturation for even more vintage warmth.

Rotor is also available for use in other DAWs in VST3, AAX, and AU formats! These formats are free to Studio One Professional and PreSonus Members. Download PreSonus Hub to get started.

Safety Options 安全选项

Safety Options screenshot

The larger your plug-in library grows, the more likely it is that an unstable plug-in could crash. Studio One makes troubleshooting those pesky plug-ins easy by providing Safety Options when you relaunch after a crash. You can choose between loading your Song, Project, or Show with PreSonus plug-ins, third-party VST/AU plug-ins, or ARA-integrated plug-ins like Melodyne disabled.

Selected plug-ins are disabled only in the current document and only when loaded via Safety Options, so you can remove or update the plug-in that’s causing the problem and get back to work!

Sample One XT 采样器

Sample One XT screenshot

Sample One XT is a sampling powerhouse. Sample, auto-slice, loop, stretch, process, trigger, and deconstruct audio (sampled from inputs or imported from a track) for breathtaking freedom in constructing powerful new performances and beats. Imported audio can be set to follow the song tempo, multiple samples can be mapped across the entire keyboard, and exported multi-samples can be used in Bitwig Studio, Sample Robot, and more applications that are being added all the time. Like your sonic creativity, Sample One XT is limitless.


Scope screenshot

Scope provides all functions an engineer would expect from a digital oscilloscope to help diagnose common audio problems like crosstalk and noise levels. Three signal channels show the left or right side of the Insert Channel or the sidechain input, while another channel shows the difference between two of the signal channels.

In this way you can compare the behaviors of two channels to get to the bottom of a problem… or just impress your friends when they come over to your studio.

Score Printing 谱表打印

Score Printing screenshot

Studio One doesn’t just let you create scores, you can also print them from directly within the application. Printing is supported for any number of tracks — from single instruments to full orchestral arrangements. Page layout and track/staff options provide full control of the printed output including layout, paper size, orientation, notation size and more. You can even add your own custom title, so that it differs from the document name.

These settings will also all transfer to Notion for MacOS and Windows where you can do more advanced music layout and editing.

Score View 谱表视图

Score View screenshot

Based on our award-winning Notion® composition and notation software, the Studio One Score View lets you enter, view, and edit notes using standard notation. View multiple tracks simultaneously in a single Score View to work on voicing, or use Score View to edit one track while using Piano View or Drum View to edit others.

You also get a compact symbol set to add trills, tremolos, arpeggios, glissandi, and more — plus dynamics symbols that affect playback in real time. Time and key signature changes are automatically added, so note pitches are spelled enharmonically according to the key signature you set.

Scratch Pads 速写板

Scratch Pads screenshot

Scratch Pads are an innovation so simple, yet so powerful, you’ll wonder why it took years to invent them. Scratch Pads provide a powerful and easy way to nondestructively experiment with different arrangements or versions of a section. Simply drag events or entire song sections in the Arranger Track to the Scratch Pad, experiment away, and drag them back when you’re done. You get unlimited Scratch Pads that can be saved inside your Studio One® Song file. You can even use Scratch Pads to keep alternate arrangements of your entire song and export a mixdown!


Show Page screenshot

The Show Page lets you add backing tracks, loops, Virtual Instruments, and plug-in racks to perform live right from Studio One, making it easy to go from your studio to stage or stream. Use the Arranger Track to loop, skip, or repeat whole sections of a Song to keep your live performance fresh! Add as many songs as you like in your Setlist, each with its own patches and plug-ins.

And when it’s time to go live, the streamlined Performance View focuses on just the functions you need to pull off an amazing gig.


Side-by-side Editors screenshot

View your tracks in different editors side-by-side! Multiple editor windows in Studio One® can now be detached from the main window and positioned freely, including on separate monitors. Similar to plug-in windows, the detached Edit windows can now be pinned to lock their view state.

Want to keep an eye on your Score View while working on a lead line using the Piano View? Pin the Score View window on a second screen and never lose sight of your composition voicing. Now you can create a composition and production workspace that’s as unique as your music.


Sidechain support for Virtual Instruments screenshot

New! Virtual instruments that require an external audio source (such as a sampler or vocoder) can access any audio source from Studio One’s Console using a sidechain input.

The extended sidechain routing menu in the plug-in header offers individual pre/post-fader Send and Output routing – including level control and input level readout – right from the routing menu.


Simultaneous multi-format export screenshot

Improved! Export your mixdowns in multiple formats at once. Each format provides its own export settings that are stored for next time, and no additional rendering time is required to export multiple formats at once. You can export your final mix or mastered track in high-resolution, 24-bit/96kHz WAV, AAC for lossless release, and MP3 for streaming all at the same time!

PreSonus Sphere members are able to export multiple formats simultaneously into a single PreSonus Sphere Workspace.


Smart Templates screenshot

New! Use Smart Templates to get your new Songs, Shows, and Projects off to a running start. Smart Templates create a new Document optimized to one of many preset tasks, including: audio recording; music to picture/content creation; mastering; beat production, and more — or just jump right in to play a real or virtual instrument with one click. A set of guided step-by-step tutorials are included in Smart Templates to help you learn Studio One fast.

With Smart Templates you’ll spend less time setting up and organizing your tools — and more time creating.


Smart Tools screenshot

The combination of the Arrow and Range Tools boosts your audio editing efficiency by combining the most frequently used tools into one. Select, move, split, or duplicate Events; trim start- and end-points of Events; adjust fades; and change the overall Event level in one seamless action. Studio One’s smart tools change dynamically to stay in the moment with you.

Whether you’re working with Audio or Note Events, Studio One’s Smart Tools will help you to work faster and more efficiently.


Song Page screenshot

When you create a Song in Studio One, you’ll open a complete multitrack production environment. Record, edit, arrange, and mix audio and instruments. Create step-sequences, orchestrations, complex beats, and basic podcasts all in an intuitive single-window interface.

Unlimited versions of a single song can be stored in the same Song file, so your hard drive stays clean and organized. Drag in plug-ins, audio loops, and more from the integrated Browser. Launch the Console to discover the flexible, intuitive, and powerful mixer. Whether you’re mixing, editing, composing, or making beats, the Song Page will bring your creativity to life.


Sound Variations screenshot

Sound Variations are the next level in articulation support and help you get the most out of the complex virtual instruments and orchestral libraries. The extended mapping editor provides tools for managing complex articulation maps. Sound Variations can even be triggered remotely with hardware controllers, custom macros, Studio One Remote, and more.

Dynamic Mapping lets the best virtual instrument developers provide a custom Sound Variation map, saving you a lot of setup time. Current partners include all Vienna Symphonic Library Synchron-player instruments, as well as instruments from UJAM — but there are even more to come!

Soundcloud™ 直接导出

Soundcloud™ direct export screenshot

Studio One® was the first DAW to support direct-to-SoundCloud export, and it’s still the only DAW that lets you import audio from SoundCloud directly from its built-in Browser. Digital releases are stored locally and uploaded to SoundCloud with a single mouse-click. You’ll go from mix to master to release without ever leaving Studio One.


Spectrum Meter screenshot

Spectrum Meter lets you quickly view the frequency content of an audio signal. It can help you diagnose problematic frequencies like the ring in a snare drum… as well as quickly identify the frequencies you do want.

Choose from a wide range of visual metering styles, including FFT, Oct-Band, 3rd-Oct-Band, and Waveform. Spectrum Meter also features various settings for customizing the level range and frequency range, as well as the graphic size for even more granular visual information.


Splitter screenshot

Splitter is a powerful plug-in that lets you route multiple simultaneous effects on a single channel in a myriad of ways: serial, parallel, or split by channel or frequency band. Simply drag a new Splitter plug-in from the Browser to any Insert slot to split the signal path of that Channel, then add more plug-ins to any of up to five paths. Splitters are displayed inside the Inserts section of the Console, so it only takes a quick glance to identify which channels use parallel processing and a single click to open the Channel Editor to view and adjust routing.

Spot 定点

Spot screenshot

New! Place your Audio and Note Events precisely where you want them with the Spot command.

You can position Events on the timeline based on event attributes such as start/end points or their original timecode position. Spot is perfect for sound design and music to picture as well as working with stems in Studio One.


Start Page screenshot

Improved! The Studio One® Start Page is your portal to creation. View all your recent Songs, Projects, and Shows, or start something new! Open your most recent files or any saved versions with one click. Configure your audio and MIDI hardware and see which audio device is currently selected for playback and recording as soon as you launch Studio One. Set up multiple Artist profiles to tag every session with customizable metadata. Connect SoundCloud™ to view your dashboard, right from Studio One. A News Feed keeps you up to date with new tips and tricks, updates, promotions, demos, and more.

Studio One 扩展

Studio One Expansion screenshot

This tidy 39 MB collection of simple one-shot acoustic and electronic drum sounds includes kicks, snares, hats, and more that you can quickly and easily load into Impact XT and create beats with.

Studio One FX 音效

Studio One FX screenshot

Get weird with this big bundle of electronic one-shot WAV samples and handful of Musicloops, including electronic percussion, risers, filter sweeps, glitch effects, and a broad selection of things that go “swoooooooshhhhh.” They’re ideal for reinvention via Sample One XT.

Studio One 脉冲响应

Studio One Impulse Responses screenshot

Here are a LOT of reverb algorithms for you to load into OpenAIR reverb – probably more than you’ll ever use. These perfect re-creations of genuine acoustic spaces like concert halls, vocal booths, drum rooms, and more will give you worlds of ambience to sweeten your productions. You also get impulse responses from old plate reverbs, slap delays, and other quirky hardware units.

Studio One 乐器第 1 卷和第 2 卷

Studio One Instruments Vol 1 and 2 screenshot

This is a wonderful set of bread ‘n’ butter instrument samples for use in Presence XT, suitable for both new users and seasoned vets. You get 29 drum kits; over 50 synthesized and organic basses; and loads of guitars, pianos, strings, and wind instruments. Bonus: You also get several cool stacked combination instruments like Guitar & Flute and Piano & Voice.

Studio One 音乐循环第 1 卷和第 2 卷

Studio One Musicloops Vol 1 and 2 screenshot

Studio One®’s proprietary Musicloop format contains both MIDI data and instrument presets in a single file, so you aren’t committed to the loop in the way you may be used to from working with WAVs. This bundle of over 100 Musicloops covers everything from salsa to Brazilian percussion loops to ambient synth arpeggios and hip-hop beats. Guitars, Rhodes piano, and more are all yours to deconstruct, rearrange, and make uniquely your own.

Studio One Remote 远程操控

Studio One Remote screenshot

Step away from your desk without losing control over Studio One with Studio One Remote for iPad, iPad Pro, Android, and Windows tablets. Control your mix, effects, and transport; trigger your custom commands and macros; edit inserts and sends; and access audio FX. Studio One Remote even works as a master controller for your live performance when using the Show Page!

Best of all: it’s free for Studio One Artist and Studio One Professional users, as well as PreSonus® Sphere members.


Supported Audio Formats screenshot

Studio One® supports the most common audio formats, including:

WAV, AIFF, MP3, M4A, AAC, ALAC, CAF, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, Opus

Any or all of the supported formats can be mixed at any bit depth and sample rate in a single song without glitches, timing issues, or complex conversion. Studio One automatically renders all files to the selected song format in the background while you are listening to the playback.

Tablature 指法谱

Tablature screenshot

Create lead sheets and tab printouts for your songs right from Studio One using the tablature option in Score View. Choose between Standard Notation and Tablature staves for the same instrument, or compose with tablature only.

Rhythmic stems are automatically added to the tab numbers. Tab tuning presets can also be selected for multiple tunings for Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, or Ukulele. Enter notes directly onto the tablature staff by clicking a string and typing the desired fret number, or converting standard notation into tablature.


Target Loudness for Digital Release screenshot

Releasing your audio for digital distribution is the fastest way to grow your audience, but every service has its own target loudness and peak level requirements that must be matched — either by you or by an algorithm. Matching the loudness used to be tedious and time-consuming — not anymore. Studio One lets you stay in control of your music.

Available for both Songs and Projects, Loudness Options let you set target values for loudness and true peak during export. Presets for every major streaming service are also included so there’s no Googling and no guesswork.


Tempo Track and Tempo Detection screenshot

Edit tempo with Studio One®’s familiar automation tools for smoother tempo adjustments and custom curves. Map tempo manually to any imported audio or loop, or use Melodyne to detect the tempo of an “off the grid” performance automatically. Once the tempo is detected, drag the audio to Studio One’s tempo track — and just like that, your song tempo will follow the performance! Audio and instruments follow tempo changes in real time without the need for offline processing. World-class time-stretch with Elastique Pro is included, so your audio tempo changes always sound natural. With Studio One, time is on your side.

第三方插件支持(AU、VST2、VST3 和)

Third-party plugin support (AU, VST2, and VST3) screenshot

In addition to Native Effects plug-ins, Studio One® supports 64-bit AU, VST2, and VST3 plug-ins and virtual instruments, so your favorite plug-ins and VIs will load into and perform in Studio One as expected. Users can create custom plug-in thumbnails for easy visual browsing.

The Plug-in Manager combines all the tools for managing large systems in one place so managing huge libraries of plug-ins and virtual instruments in Studio One is faster and easier than ever before.


Time Lock/Edit Lock screenshot

New! Studio One helps you to prevent unintentional edits — or worse, accidental timeline movements — with Time Lock and Edit lock. Individual Audio Events, Audio Parts and Instrument Parts in the Arrangement window can be Time Locked to prevent unintentional moving, or Edit Locked to prevent unintentional editing. A complete Lock for tracks is available as well, so when you know a track is just right, you can make sure it stays that way!


Tone Generator screenshot

Tone Generator is capable of generating noise, frequency sweeps, and other signal types commonly used for signal-path testing and calibration. Use the Scope plug-in in conjunction with Tone Generator to analyze return signals at the end of the signal path being tested or calibrated.

Need some extra oomph in your kick drum or cajón? Use Tone Generator in gated mode to add an 808 feel without any extra programming.

Track / Channel Icons 轨道与通道图标

Track / Channel Icons screenshot

New! Track and Channel Icons allow quick visual identification for your Tracks and Channels. Intuitively label your Tracks and Channels – you get to choose from over 100 icons!

These icons will be familiar to StudioLive mixer owners, who will enjoy automatic Icon import when opening a Capture session in Studio One.

Track and Channel Filters 轨道与通道过滤器

Track and Channel Filters screenshot

Studio One makes managing large projects with huge track and channel counts fast and easy, thanks to powerful search and filter options. Filter Tracks by typing text or use the filter options: Show All Tracks, Show Tracks with Events Under Cursor, and more…

Additional filter options are available as commands that can be assigned to keyboard shortcuts or macros. We also added an independent Undo list exclusively for visibility changes. Filters can also be used to show/hide Channels inside the Console. Best of all, you can save the visibility state at any time using Mix Scenes.

Track Presets 轨道预置

Track Presets screenshot

New! Track Presets allow you to save and recall frequently-used Track and Channel configurations – even copy and paste settings from one track to another – so you don’t need to re-create their inputs, settings, and routing every time you create a new Track for the same purpose.

Track Presets also work on Folder Tracks, Buses, and Groups, preserving all routing and effects. So once you get the drum mix perfect on just one song on your album, just save the entire drum Bus as a Track Preset and apply it to every song on the album instantly!


Track Transform screenshot

Track Transform lets you quickly render Audio and Instrument Tracks with every insert effect and automation parameter printed into the file. This lets you reduce your Song’s required computer processing power without committing to a decision permanently – or collaborate with other Studio One users who may not have the same plug-ins, instruments, and content as you.

Transformed tracks retain all the original editable data and content, so when your collaborator returns the Song session with their tracks, edits, or mix suggestions in place or you change your mind, you can still go back and edit Track Transform content.


Transient Detection with editable markers screenshot

It happens. You find the perfect loop on some thrift-store vinyl but it’s the wrong tempo, or your drummer speeds up too much on a few bars of an otherwise flawless performance. Transient Detection and Bend Markers in Studio One® let you stretch audio inside an Audio Event, without the need for slicing the event into multiple pieces.

Automatic transient detection finds transients (peaks) in audio and automatically adds bend markers that can be used for manual time-stretching, for slicing, or for auto-quantize for a single track or on multiple tracks, all while preserving phase coherence between grouped tracks.

Tricomp™ 三段式压缩器

Tricomp™ screenshot

Finalize your mix or punch up frequency-rich signals with this three-band compressor plug-in. You get automatic threshold and ratio settings; a relative control for the low/high bands; and switchable attack/release controls. The secret weapon for Studio One® mix engineers the world over, Tricomp® also features State-Space Modeled Saturation control to add analog grit to your sound for even more tonal sculpting.

Tricomp is also available for use in other DAWs in VST3, AAX, and AU formats! These formats are free to Studio One Professional and PreSonus Members. Download PreSonus Hub to get started.


Tuner screenshot

The Tuner proves invaluable when inserted on guitar, bass, and other instruments that require frequent tuning. The Tuner features a switchable standard/strobe display, with exact Frequency and Difference readouts in the upper left and right-hand corners. A Calibration knob enables calibrating the Tuner to a center frequency from 415 Hz to 465 Hz. Click on the Strobe Mode button to enable the strobe display, in which the rotation speed is a measure of the amount you need to tune.

Ueberschall Impact Drums

Ueberschall Impact Drums screenshot

EDM, hip-hop, and electro-pop producers will find a lot to like in this great library of 16 drum kits for Impact XT from the fine folks at Ueberschall. The library is arranged in a myriad of electronic and urban styles, and we threw in some ‘60s lounge vibe to keep you guessing.


Ultra-high Sample Rate Support screenshot

New! Studio One supports sample rates up to 786 kHz for recording and playback. Compatible interface required.


Unlimited...everything screenshot

Studio One doesn’t place any artificial boundaries on your mixing and production workflow. Use as many audio tracks, MIDI tracks, virtual instruments, buses, and FX channels as your song requires and your computer can handle. How many songs do you want to open at once? That’s up to you, as well. Studio One’s unique framework puts inactive but open Songs in the background, letting you jump between productions without draining your computer resources. Scratch Pads and Song versions are also unlimited so you can create the way that works best for you.

VCA 音量控制器

VCA faders screenshot

Mixing your biggest multitrack projects is easier than ever in Studio One®, thanks to VCA Faders. Originally introduced on large-format analog mixing consoles, VCA Faders provide remote control of any number of channels from a single fader, complete with relative level control and automation. Imagine just one fader for vocals, one for drums, one for the rhythm section, and one for horns. VCA Faders are so simple, you could get a handle on your mix with just one hand.

Vengeance Sound 采样

Vengeance Sound screenshot

Get ‘em out on the floor with these 39 high-energy Musicloops and dizzying array of samples for contemporary dance music production from the great minds at Vengeance Sound. You’ll find tons of kicks, snares, and hi-hat one-shot samples here, as well as full drum breakbeats, house loops, sweep FX, and even entire songs broken up into multitrack format alongside their full mixes. This collection is perfect for you to pick apart and re-create from the ground up—and you’ll learn a lot. You also get four Impact XT kits for creating your own unique beats.


Versatile Import/Export format support screenshot

Studio One® comes equipped with a variety of versatile import and export options, allowing you to move between applications quickly and easily. Export Instrument Tracks as MIDI files. Use AAF, OpenTL, and Cubase Track Archives to transfer full productions.

Complete multisamples from Sample One XT or Presence Editor XT can be exported in our Multisample format, supported by both Bitwig Studio and Sample Robot. Whether you’re taking your production out of Studio One or moving a production in, you’ll be up and working in no time at all.


Video Track screenshot

NEW! Studio One® Professional’s all new global Video Track makes composing and sound design to picture easy. Simply drag-and-drop videos from the Browser to the desired timeline location. Embedded audio is automatically placed on its own sub-track, and video thumbnails are generated automatically for easy navigation.

Many familiar editing features are available on the Video Track including Trim, Slip, Ripple, and Replace. You can load an unlimited number of video clips, making it easy to work on multiple reels of a feature film inside a single session. You can also Export your edited video directly from Studio One.

Vocoder 声码器

Vocoder screenshot

New! Vocoder lets you combine two input signals — one carrier and one modulator — to create a new, combined sound processed by an array of bandpass filters. Create robotic, synthesized vocals; add texture to drum loops; create all-new sounds that are uniquely your own. Vocoder is a creative playground like no other!

X-Trem 颤音器

X-Trem screenshot

X-Trem is a tremolo effects plug-in that applies amplitude modulation at a varying amount and rate over time. X-Trem also features tempo sync and a variable LFO with selectable 16-step and 16-gate sequencers, as well as auto-pan capability. Use X-Trem to create anything from subtle shifts in amplitude to tempo-synced, glitchy, gated drums; trancy, gated pads; panned hi-hats; and other popular sounds.