Inspired Acoustics Inspirata Pro

Inspirata Pro, Altiverb的平替, 加入了我的工作室, 并将无数世界知名的大教堂, 音乐厅的声音, 带进我小小的桌面上

Inspired Acoustics, 是一家创立于匈牙利布达佩斯的以研发管风琴建模及沉浸式声音设计软件的品牌, 隶属于ENTEL旗下, 而后者则是一家专门从事声学设计与建筑的品牌. 在这样的专业背景下, Inspired Acoustics研发出了专业的卷积混响插件, Inspirata.

如果从事或尝试过声音设计, 那就一定会知道一个响当当的名字, Altiverb, 来自于Audio Ease的Altiverb就是以采样式卷积来再造不同空间下的真实混响, 从而使干净的声音转变成具有画面感的场景声音. 可以说, Altiverb是声音设计行业中的旗舰, 但遗憾的说, 它的价格也非常旗舰. 标准版的Altiverb售价高达499欧元, 而完全版的则达到了849欧元. 换算成人民币, 你就乘以10即可.

而Inspirata和Altiverb有着类似的功效, 同样是使用卷积采样的方式, 不过制作的房间卷积采样低于Altiverb, 但够用. 毕竟大部分会用到的房间采样主要是大教堂, 大礼堂, 音乐厅这些, 而且其丰富的细节调整功能虽然不敌Altiverb, 但也远超市面上大多数常见卷积混响. 因此, 它显而易见的成为了Altiverb的平替版本. 不过Inspirata的初期售价也并不便宜多少, 我记得去年看到它官网的价格, Pro版还是299欧元吧.

但Inspired Acoustics应该是想通了, 软件的最大价值, 不是卖的多贵, 而是尽可能的多卖. 这不, 在2023年年底, 他们开始了价格策略的调整.

Inspirata分为四个版本, Lite简化版, Personal个人版, Pro专业版和Immersive沉浸版, 价格分别为46欧, 90欧, 181欧, 而沉浸版的价格并未公布(官网解释这个版本需要提交申请). 而我所意向的, 也是大多数专业工作室主力的应用版本, 就是Pro专业版, 即181欧.

但别慌, 这并不是最低价. JRRShop, 一个大家并不常听说的音频软件网购平台, 近期给出了一个不可思议的折扣价, 99美元. 是的, 这甚至不是99欧, 而是美元. 如果你真的将它放入购物车并结算, 你会发现价格还能再打个85折, 实际支付价格为84.15美元.

这几乎是Altiverb完全版十分之一的价格了, 尽管前面说过, Inspirata肯定在很多方面还差Altiverb一截, 但在常规应用方面, 比如, 为一个乐器添加一个真实的教堂卷积混响, 我敢说99%的人不可能听出来这声音来自什么软件.

后面就简单了, JRRShop下单, Paypal支付, 获得产品注册码, 去Inspired Acoustics官网输入注册码认证产品. 接着会在我的产品页面得到软件的iLok激活码.

在下载了主体软件后, 首次在DAW中扫描会弹出iLok, 并要求输入激活码:

现在, Inspirata Pro, Altiverb的平替, 就加入了我的工作室, 并将无数世界知名的大教堂, 音乐厅的声音, 带进我小小的桌面上.

需要注意的是, Inspirata只是软件本身, 我们需要下载另一堆文件, Roompack, 以启用不同场景的卷积采样. 目前Inspirata Pro拥有50个卷积采样, 累积容量达到210GB(超过50万个IR脉冲响应). 看到这里, 其实我心里也紧缩了一下, 并不是担心安装空间, 而是有点担心实时运行中这么多的采样数会不会造成计算负担.

实际上, 仅仅打开了软件, 和试用已经下载好的4个房间卷积中, 我发现确实会存在偶尔的CPU瞬间暴涨, 从而会在约一分钟内引发一两个spikes, 会稍微影响流畅的听感, 但并不会有太大的运行负担.

另外, 实际的软件界面中, 居然还包含了英, 日, 韩, 中(简繁), 德和匈牙利几种语言选项:

添加了中文界面, 这对于大多数音频软件来说都是很少见的, 我觉得这是品牌对中文用户的极大尊重.

总之, 目前我依然在下载这50个卷积采样包中. 以下是官网对Inspirata的介绍:

INSPIRATA™ is the ultimate next-generation immersive reverb workstation employing time-variant convolution and providing you total acoustic freedom. With INSPIRATA, you can:

  • Choose from a wide variety of real, acoustic spaces sampled in unprecedented detail. Iconic concert halls, theatres, places of worship, simple and natural domestic spaces and unique venues for postproduction. INSPIRATA ships with 50 spaces with over 500,000 impulse responses in Personal, Pro and Immersive Editions.
  • Move around your sound sources and listener position in the selected space until finding the sweet spot for your mix. Work as if you were physically in that room, positioning the sound sources, or instruments, where you want, and listen from where you want.
  • Adjust real acoustic parameters that define the acoustic properties of a space and that truly matter to our hearing.
  • Choose from a massive list of surround mix options up to 22.2, including Dolby Atmos® (available configurations vary between different Editions of INSPIRATA™).
  • Place multiple sound sources in the selected space (maximum number varies between different Editions of INSPIRATA™)
  • Automate parameters and even microphone and sound source positions in real time with smooth and artifact-free operation.

INSPIRATA™ comes in AAX, VST3 and AU plugin formats supporting all major DAWs.


INSPIRATA™ is the culmination of many years of research and development by practicing acoustic consultants. The goal was to create a shockingly realistic and immersive sound experience that included tools and measurements previously only taken into account by acoustic professionals. From those years of research, data evaluation and testing comes INSPIRATA, the ultimate next-generation reverb workstation.


Vast content library for music and post production

From the pristine sounds of historic spaces, lush reverberant environments of medieval cathedrals to legendary music clubs, INSPIRATA comes with a growing library of real space content. Many are available for the first time in history and many of them have never been experienced in such detail. 50 spaces with over half million IRs ship with INSPIRATA and additional room are available for purchase in perpetual and subscription licenses.

Limitless positioning, smooth movement

Moving virtual sound sources on stage or adjusting the listener position using a sample-based reverb processor was not possible without limitations, until now. In a musical context, now you can move your sound sources and listener to find the optimum recording and mixing locations. Move an instrument slightly backwards on stage for a better balance, or move it closer for more clarity.

In post-production you can use INSPIRATA to automate the movement of your sound sources in every space, from close to far, left to right, as well as any of the acoustical parameters. The sound will instantly follow and sound the same as if you were in the space – only without the environmental noise. This unprecedented feature makes INSPIRATA a true workstation for spatial sound.

Revolutionary spatial controls

In INSPIRATA, we make it possible for you to control parameters that really matter to your ears – you can directly adjust acoustics and the sound of the space instead of the indirect properties that have no change to the sound. Gone is the time when you needed to bother with hall size, wall diffusion or decorrelation only to get different results in each space. You now have full and independent control on how wide your sound source is in the space, how much of the blended sound reaches you, and how much it envelopes around your ears. Spatial room acoustical parameters such as apparent source sound width (ASW) and listener envelopment (LEV) are controllable for the first time directly in any reverberation solution. In addition to these revolutionary controls, you can also adjust the orientation of your speaker feeds in space – facing your stereo or surround setup to any direction. And you can change and automate all of these in real time.

Direct control of sound clarity

In INSPIRATA, reverberation time and sound clarity are adjustable independently, in each space, using a single dedicated control for each. Despite these parameters not being totally independent, INSPIRATA pushes the limits and optimizes the reflections one-by-one to match the desired settings. The basis of the method of changing sound clarity (C80) has been published in an award-winning research paper by our team, and for the first time, it is now available in a real-time implementation.

Controls of the reverberation time

Reverberation time, the mother of all acoustic parameters, is an important aspect of how long the decay lasts. But there is no single reverberation time in a hall, and no single number at a given frequency. In natural spaces, the reverberation time varies slightly location-by-location, and this is fully preserved in INSPIRATA. Not only is the variation reproduced to accuracy, but also the non-exponential nature of the decay of natural spaces to a dynamic range fully covering the theoretical possibilities of sound reproduction.

In real spaces, there is not only a spatial but also a frequency dependency of the reverberation time. Deep tones usually reverberate for a longer time while higher-pitched sounds fade away more promptly – due to, for example, the absorption of the sound of the air in large volumes. The frequency-dependent nature of the reverberation time directly affects the overall tonal footprint of your sound. By using intuitive controls for setting the reverberation time in a frequency-dependent nature or by tilting the controls to be more bass or treble-heavy, you can fine-tune how the space matches your mix with just a few clicks and achieve a level of warmth or brightness otherwise unimaginable.

Surround Support

INSPIRATA supports multi-channel audio by design. With INSPIRATA you can upmix your mono sound source to a wide variety of 3D surround configurations. The upmixing is done by the natural acoustic space itself. You can apply reverberation to surround audio or multi-channel audio for instruments or instrument groups, and deliver in any surround format that you desire with just a few single clicks.


INSPIRATA supports AAX, VST3 and AU formats supporting all major DAWs and runs natively on Intel and Apple Silicon.


INSPIRATA™ comes in four editions with distinct feature sets to offer solutions for different needs.

INSPIRATA™ Lite Edition is the most simple and easy-to-use version. A stereo reverb workstation which includes a 12 GB room content library of sampled spaces (50 spaces).

INSPIRATA™ Personal Edition is a stereo reverb workstation providing flexibility never before seen in sampled reverbs. It allows the user to truly finetune the parameters and position the sound sources and the listener in the selected space. The size of the default room content library is 210 GB (50 spaces, over 500,000 IRs).

INSPIRATA™ Professional Edition is an immersive reverb workstation with an extended feature set, providing flexibility never before seen in sampled reverbs. Its truly exceptional feature set includes the possibility of finetuning parameters, and positioning the sound sources and the listener. Besides the obvious stereo configuration, it supports a wide variety of multichannel output options from simple surround up to 7.1.2 Dolby Atmos® configuration.

INSPIRATA™ Immersive Edition is an immersive reverb workstation providing flexibility never before seen in sampled reverbs. The Immersive Edition is the flagship version of the INSPIRATA product family supporting surround configurations up to 22.2 and ships with a growing content library created at unprecedented spatial resolution to match even the most demanding applications. INSPIRATA™ Immersive Edition is available upon request.


  • 首次购买大概是2024年6月9日期间. 安装程序包为1.0.30
  • 2024年10月14日. 购买后, 由于Inspirata有讨厌的每次首开进程就要扫描脉冲包的形式导致读取偏慢, 和有不时的CPU跳动的问题, 去了趟官网, 只是想试试看有没有更新. 结果在下载安装包时发现编号有变化, 安装程序更新为了1.0.32. 但依然在任何地方找不到更新说明. 期望至少是CPU Spike的问题能得到修复(因为使用这款混响大多数几率是在编配管弦乐时, 这时候CPU已经承载很大压力了, 经不起一惊一乍的)
